Kaye LabWatch IoT Monitoring System - Facility Monitoring System
Cloud Monitoring System
Das Kaye LabWatch® IoT Cloud-basierte Monitoring- und Überwachungssystem ist eine Komplettlösung für kritische Applikationen in der Pharma- und Biotechnologie. Es wird insbesondere für kritische Applikationen wie Stabilitätskammern, Lager, Biobanking und die Erfassung und Dokumentation wichtiger Umgebungsparameter eingesetzt. Das renommierte LabWatch® IoT System gewährleistet die Einhaltung von Normen und die normenkonforme Erfassung und Dokumentation kritischer Parameter gemäß GxP-Anforderungen. Es verbindet sich über eine sichere VPN-Verbindung mit Ihren Standorten und erkennt Alarmzustände. Das Personal wird benachrichtigt, wo auch immer es sich befindet. Das System dokumentiert eine beliebige Anzahl von Messparametern, ohne Papierstapel zu erzeugen. Zudem schützt es Ihre Messdaten durch eine sichere Cloud-Speicherung und ermöglicht einen einfachen Zugriff auf Daten zur weiteren Analyse.
Mit dem LabWatch IoT-Überwachungssystem können der aktuelle Alarmstatus und Sensordaten einfach mit jedem Internetbrowser oder Smartphone abgerufen werden. Loggen Sie sich einfach in den sicheren Cloud-Service ein, verwenden Sie Ihren eigenen, mit dem Unternehmen verknüpften Benutzernamen und das Passwort sowie Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierungscodes, und das LabWatch IoT-Überwachungssystem bietet Ihnen alle Informationen über den überwachten Bereich - bequem angezeigt entweder für den Browser oder die mobile Telefonanwendung. Alle Werte und Alarme werden vom LabWatch IoT-Überwachungssystem in übersichtlichen und intuitiven Ansichten angezeigt.
Das Kaye LabWatch® IoT Cloud-basierte kontinuierliche Monitoringsystem wird flexibel und anwenderspezifisch konfiguriert. Notwendige Berichte können auf Abruf und jederzeit generiert werden und alle historischen Messdaten werden sicher und geschützt gespeichert.
LabWatch IoT ist jetzt erhältlich mit dem Kaye NetPac II und dem Kaye RF ValProbe Daten-Erfassungssystem für Echtzeit-Überwachung sowohl mit Kabel als auch drahtlos. Beide Arten dieser Facility-Monitoring-Systeme erfassen verschiedene Umgebungsparameter, wie Temperatur, Relative Feuchte, Differenzdruck, Türkontakt… oder einfacher gesagt: Alle Messsensoren mit einem 4-20mA oder 0-10V Signalausgang.
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Complete Cloud Solution
Integrating high quality sensors, latest wireless and wired technologies for communication and networking abilities into an easy-to-use browser Information Management Solution, LabWatch IoT combines precise facility monitoring with effective alarming, hassle-free reporting, and secure data Cloud archiving and performance. LabWatch IoT detects system excursions and can alarm personnel wherever they are. It can document any number of chambers without generating stacks of paper, protect data with secure storage, create an audit trail of alarms and actions taken by the facility monitoring system and system operators and provides ready access to historical data.
Using AWS GxP services, LabWatch IoT is the next generation of environmental and facility monitoring! No expensive Servers, no specific operating systems, no need for IT support - Kaye LabWatch IoT has now gone to the Cloud.
Regulatory compliance
The extensive new reporting capabilities of the LabWatch IoT system allow you to generate reports in compliance with FDA, GMP/GLP, AABB, JCAHO, AAALAC and other regulatory bodies. By maintaining a secure archive of monitored values from your sensors, alarms and system access, the facility monitoring system can readily provide the information you need for internal analysis and regulatory required documentation.
Scalability & Flexibility
Whether you are looking for monitoring 5 points for a single room, or 500+ inputs,on a system spread globally, LabWatch IoT provides the building blocks to meet your specific needs. LabWatch IoT provides the flexibility for you to build up your own system or get a turnkey end to end solution from Kaye Instruments.
Monitor, Alarm, Secure, Report, Access, Visibility
With sophisticated facility monitoring and reporting features, LabWatch IoT proves to be an effective turnkey solution for your laboratory, warehouse and stability monitoring needs. The system provides a cost effective way to view and collect real time data for regulatory compliant monitoring of your valuable inventory. Critical environmental information is provided to assure that your equipment is operating within defined parameters, thereby protecting your assets and providing a ready trail of compliance.
Key Features & Benefits
- Operates in compliance with the FDA regulation 21 CFR Part 11 on Electronic Signatures and Records.
- Creates an audit trail of alarms and actions taken by the facility monitoring system and the people who log onto the system.
- Provides a complete history of alarms and data in one central location, automatically.
- Protects your time by avoiding nuisance alarms and guards your product investment by providing reliable alarm detection.
- Notifies an unlimited number of people to handle specific alarm conditions with a variety of notification methods: mobile APP, email, SMS and audio alarms.
- Lets you retrieve data easily for viewing, reporting, analysis, and regulatory inspection.
- Provides tools to review historical data and create the customized reports to suit management or client requirements.
- Provides secure data storage via AWS GxP storage to prevent tampering.
- Does not require any specific OS - uses industry standard browsers to access the monitoring system.
- Unlimited amount of concurrent users can access the facility monitoring system
Wired/Wireless Distributed Measurement Hardware
- Redundant Data Storage - Loggers, Base stations, Netpac II
- Remote Access - any standard web browser
- Ease of Use Alarm Notification - mobile APP, Email, SMS
- Reporting Features
- Services - Specification development, Installation, IQ/OQ protocol development/execution, Training, Calibration Services, Technical Support
Robust & Scalable System Architecture
The Kaye LabWatch IoT system is built as an AWS GxP Model encompassing intelligence and redundancy at multiple levels in the system. Each of the elements in the architecture are robust, complete & independent sub systems. At the primary input of the system lie the extremely accurate calibrated sensor modules temperature/humidity/CO2/Pressure/etc.). These sensor elements feed into the RF Valprobe data loggers or the Netpac modules. The battery operated RF Loggers store and forward the real time data from the sensor elements at programmed interval to the RF Base Stations. Up to 30000 samples can be stored on these loggers and can be retrieved in case of a power failure on the base stations or RF transmission issues.
The loggers communicate data real time via a robust and reliable 2.4 GHz RF (Radio Frequency) Wireless network interconnected via the SmartMesh technology to the base stations. The RF base stations have the ability to connect to up to 100 loggers and 8 such base stations can be connected to a LabWatch IoT system via an Ethernet network or USB. The RF Base stations provide the second level of redundancy in case of a Network or Server failures and can store 30000 samples from each of the 100 loggers. The RF Base stations communicate to the LabWatch IoT Cloud Server via the industry standard OPC/UA Server.
The LabWatch IoT facility monitoring system can be a Wireless or a Wired System. The system architecture supports a Hybrid system with Wired and Wireless inputs based on the customer application or to add new Wired or Wireless points to an existing Wired/Wireless networks. In a Wired System the sensor modules are physically wired to a Netpac module. The Netpac modules are connected to the LabWatch IoT system through an Ethernet or RS485 connectivity. The Netpac modules communicate to the Server via a Netpac OPC/UA Driver loaded as part of the LabWatch System.
LabWatch IoT is a complete facility monitoring application residing on the LabWatch AWS GxP Server, using only a local workstation to apply a VPN connection for the necessary security for data transmission. All the data from the sensor modules, application configuration information, audit trail, security information is stored on the LabWatch IoT Server. User can access the LabWatch system remotely via any web browser, from any PC or mobile platform.
Typical Applications
- Warehouses Clean Rooms
- Blood Banks
- Pharmacies
- Cold Storage
- Animal Rooms
- Laboratories
Typical Assets
- Stability Chambers
- Freezers
- Refrigerators
- Incubators
- Cryogenic Freezers
- LN2 tanks
- Ovens
Typical Sensor Inputs
- Temperature - RTDs, Thermocouples
- Humidity
- CO2
- Pressure - Absolute, Differential
- Contacts - Door Switch, Relays
- Voltage/Current inputs
- Light - Visible, Ultraviolet
- Air Flows
General specifications
Web Browser access |
Any supported web browser, any OS - Unlimited concurrent User connections. Mobile / Smart phone APP access for easy login and acknowledgement of Alarms and data review. |
Security | Uses Single Sign On with optional Multi-Factor Authorization PIN code. |
Software | Kaye LabWatch IoT - using AWS GxP |
VPN Cloud connection | Use any PC for VPN connectivity to cloud for secure tunnel |
Compatibility | Interfaces with any OPC based hardware, Kaye Netpacs and RF Mesh Sensors. |
Netpac II Wired Field Modules
Inputs |
Voltages ±55mV, ±100mV, ±1V, ±10V Currents 0 to 1mA, 4-20mA, 10 to 50mA Thermocouples J, K, T, R, S, E, B (inc. cold junction compensation and linearization) RTD Pt-100, Cu-10 Dry Contact Open/Closed |
Input Capacity | From 8 to 64 inputs in 8-input increments: NEMA 4 enclosure |
Outputs | Contact out, 2A at 26 VDC, 1A at 120 VAC Analogue out 0 to 10VDC, 0 to 5VDC, 4 to 20mA, 1 to 5mA |
Environmental Temperature: | 0 to 60°C; Humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing |
Communications | TCP/IP over corporate LAN |
Power Input: | 24 VDC, 115VAC, 230 VAC Consumption: 11W maximum for any number of channels |
Thermocouples | J, K, T: Specs for type T: Stranded, 22 AWG , Accuracy ± 0.1°C at 40°C, ± 0.25°C at 121°C; Variation within group (type) ± 0.03°C at 40°C, ± 0.05°C at 121°C |
Humidity | Input for humidity only or with temperature: Humidity accuracy: 1% or 2%; Output: 4 to 20mA; Power 24 VDC; Temperature range: -10 to 78°C, ± 0.3°C accuracy |
Other Sensors | Light (visible & UV), pressure (absolute and differential), flow, CO2, door switches |
RF2 ValProbe Wireless Field Modules
Temperature | Internal sensor range: -20 to +60°C (Accuracy of 0.6°C from 0 to 45°C) External sensor range: -196 to +200°C (Accuracy of 0.1°C from 0 to 60°C) Maximum cable length of external sensor is 30 feet/9 meters |
Relative Humidity | Internal or External sensor range: 0 to 100% RH (Accuracy of 2% from 10 to 90% at 25°C) |
Auxiliary Inputs | Contact Dry (50V maximum) Voltage 0-10 VDC (Accuracy of 0.5% Full Scale) Current 4-20 mA (Accuracy of 0.5% Full Scale) |
Input Capacity |
1 x Temperature + 1 x RH 1 x Temperature + 1 x RH + 0-10VDC/4-20mA + Contact 5 x Temperature (3-wire or 4-wire 100O RTD) |
Environmental |
Body: -40 to 60°C, 0% to 95% RH non-condensing External Temperature Probe:-196 to +200°C Logger Dimensions:2.5 in x 5 in x 1.25 in (64 mm x 127 mm x 32 mm) Base Station Dimensions:7.5 in x 5 in x 1.75 in (190 mm x 127 mm x 45 mm) |
Battery Life | 8000 hours at 1 minute sample rate |
Logger Display | LCD with backlight - scroll through all readings |
RF Base Station | Max number of nodes: 100 Connection: Ethernet or USB2.0 |
RF Specifications | 2.4 GHz SmartMesh® Technology Range is approximately 300 feet/90 meters from one node to another Each node acts as a repeater |
Logger Storage | Up to 10,000 internal data samples - Use of local SD card to backup logger samples for critical data saving. |