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    • Kaye ValProbe RT 1.3

      La solution de validation sans fi l Kaye ValProbe RT passe à la version 1.3. Cette mise à jour majeure du logiciel apporte de nombreuses nouvelles fonctionnalités. La version ValProbe RT 1.3 est disponible gratuitement sur le site web de Kaye.

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    • Common Reporting Tool 1.4

      Le Kaye CRT (Common Reporting Tool) permet de créer, sur vos ordinateurs, des rapports à partir de données provenant du Validator AVS et de ValProbe RT.

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    • Kaye LTR-200

      Le Kaye LTR-200 est un four d’étalonnage polyvalent, spécialement conçu pour répondre aux besoins métrologiques dans la validation thermique de vos procédés. Ce four utilise le nouveau design Kaye permettant d’effectuer l’étalonnage jusqu’à 24 thermocouples. Grâce à sa technologie hybride, le four LTR-200 permet de couvrir une plage de température étendue.

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    • ValProbe RT – Sonde Semi-Rigide 5 voies

      Les sondes Kaye ValProbe RT (Temps Réel), disponibles en version mono ou double voie(s) de mesure, sont désormais également disponibles avec cinq voies semi-rigides. L'électronique avancée des enregistreurs, associée aux capteurs PT-1000, permet d'obtenir une précision allant jusqu'à +/-0,10°C, tout en maintenant l'autonomie de la batterie.

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    • La station d’accueil avec clavier Kaye

      Améliorez votre travail et restez connecté avec le clavier Kaye, conçu pour s'intégrer de manière transparente à la console Kaye. Découvrez des fonctions pratiques qui transforment votre façon de travailler en déplacement.

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    • Sep 09, 2024

      Kaye's Time Warp: From Chart Recorder to Monitoring System

      It's more clear than ever, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, that monitoring and documenting temperature, relative humidity, and other critical parameters are crucial not only during the production of pharmaceuticals but also in their storage, transport, and finally to the consumer through the pharmacy. The storage and distribution of temperature-sensitive vaccines have caught the public's attention through internet and television, making the public more aware of this as a key quality criterion. The importance of maintaining the cold chain was a common topic of public discussion.

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    • Aoû 27, 2024

      The Role of Correct Immersion Depth for Temperature Sensors

      Accurate temperature measurement hinges on the proper use of temperature sensors. Among various factors, one aspect holds significant importance that is often overlooked: the correct immersion depth of the sensors. This blog post aims to highlight this frequently overlooked detail – the correct immersion depth of the sensors – and impart a deeper understanding of its importance to the readers.

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    • Aoû 08, 2024

      Kaye's Time Warp: Kaye and 21 CFR Part 11

      Looking back on the exciting technological history of the 90s, one can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for achievements like 3.5" diskettes, Excel spreadsheet calculations, or thermal paper printouts. That decade saw the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities still in their infancy when it came to issues like data security, data integrity or even the ALCOA principles. 

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    • Juil 25, 2024

      Minimizing Risk when Using a Traceable Temperature Standard

      Precision and reliability are of the utmost importance in the validation of thermal processes. These requirements demand time-consuming and complex procedures for the validation, calibration, and verification of the instruments used. In this context, the Kaye IRTD, a high-precision traceable temperature standard, plays a noteworthy role. Its application is crucial for the accuracy of Kaye's validation systems, like the Kaye AVS and the Kaye ValProbe, and thus forms an integral part of these verification and calibration processes. However, the use of temperature standards also brings specific challenges and potential risks. This article shows how such risks can be minimized, and the validation and calibration processes can be optimized and have their risks reduced.

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    • Juil 08, 2024

      Kaye's Time Warp: Battery-Powered Data Loggers

      In this blog post, we would like to focus on the addition to the Kaye product line that occurred in the early 2000s: The integration of wireless, battery-powered data loggers, an aspect that was hinted at in our whitepaper on wired vs. wireless validation systems.

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